Our Vision
Climate Change

IIt is estimated that there are about 1.6 billion Muslims in the world today and that is approximating to over 20% of the World’s population. Mosques, Madrassahs and Islamic centres across the globe need to ensure they are doing their part in reducing their carbon footprint and ensuring the sacred institutions are sustainable for the future. The Qur’an is inherently conservationist and much of it has to do with how human beings relate to the natural world and the benefits that accrue from protecting it. The core of this declaration consists of the essence of the body of ethics based in the Qur’an which we would define as Knowledge of Creation (Ilm ul khalq).

What we hope to achieve.

Providing sustainable energy solutions for Islamic institutions to become more eco friendly and reduce their carbon footprint. Through our eco awards scheme was aim to have Mosques aiming to reach these eco friendly quality standards which will ensure a sustainable future for the sacred buildings and the communities they serve.